Recognizing Jasper Postal Worker Shane Nicholson For His Heroism
Welsh Realty would like to recognize the heroic act of Jasper postal worker Shane Nicholson. We love Jasper, Indiana. We know the people here are amazing, but this postal worker definitely went above and beyond his job description last week when he saved a woman’s life from a fire while he was on his mail route delivering the day’s mail.
Tuesday morning, Shane Nicholson was out delivering mail, as usual. Then, he noticed smoke coming from a home on Birk Drive, according to the account Jasper fire officials gave WEVV-TV. That’s when Nicholson went and helped the woman out of the burning house. The Jasper Fire Chief said that the woman suffered severe burns. Her recliner and coffee table had been on fire!
Initial reports advise that local postman deserves credit for saving the female occupant. #hero #postmanrocks
— Jasper Police Dept. (@JasperCityPD) February 6, 2018
We know that Jasper is full of people who would help a neighbor out, but we still think Nicholson’s act of heroism is outstanding and should be recognized.
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